Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Upon arriving at school the parents help their child find their name (name recognition) hanging above the hook so that backpacks & jackets can be hung on their special hook. Shoes are removed to keep our floors dry & clean as we live in the Pacific Northwest & it rains so often. Hands are sanitized (practicing good hygiene) & student chooses if he/she wants the letter of the week written on the RIGHT hand, a fun rubber bracelet or a slap band bracelet to be placed on the RIGHT wrist which will help us learn social skills by smiling, greeting one another with a hand shake & we will know which hand to put over our heart for the Pledge of Allegiance to honor our wonderful country.

Outdoor Play

Our Outdoor Play Area Is So Much Fun!!!

Our Classroom

I just thought I would start our blog with a few pictures of our classroom. We have a small school room, but BIG fun while learning!!!